5 Things I’m Letting Go of in 2021
2021 did not start off the way any of us were hoping for, nevertheless, we have over 11 months ahead of us for a fresh new start to a new year. Below are the things I have vowed to let go of in 2021 in order to live my best year yet, despite the ongoing global pandemic:
Other people’s opinion of me or my life:
In the words of Rachel Hollis “What other people think of you, is none of your business. So true. There was a time I was very much concerned with what other people thought of me and my life choices. I felt the need to be successful and thrive, in order to be all things to all people, including myself, and I took it as a personal attack on my character if someone did not like me. But over the years I’ve started to ask myself, why should I care what anyone else thinks about my life? They aren’t the ones living it. No one understands my wants, dreams, and passions more than I do. No one is inside my mind, body, heart, and soul except me which means, no one knows what’s best for me except ME. This year, when I feel the annoying pressure to please others I will think to myself, “their opinion of my life is none of my business” and move on.
Living my life in accordance with Society’s Rules:
If there is one takeaway from 2020 it is that life can change in an instant, and the path we were going down has suddenly changed direction. I have struggled at times throughout my life, like everyone I’m sure with feeling the need to live as society expects of me: meet a man, marry him and produce children. As a woman of the 21st century, add in also the pressure to have a career, stay fit, be smart, charming, and talented, the list goes on. I have not accomplished all the things that a woman “should” by society’s standards, but when I look back on my life, I see a TON of awesome accomplishments. Our life is our own to do as we choose and no one, not even society has the right to take that away from us. This year I vow to live my life the way that makes me happy and not the way I think society would agree with.
Wondering what could have been:
Life is full of decisions and choices that carve out our lives one way or another. At times, it’s easy to look back, especially when things aren’t going as planned, and think about what would have been had we just made a different choice, took THAT job, married THAT man, moved to THAT city, got a THAT degree instead etc. My goodness what a waste of time and energy this is. I always tell my friends when they are struggling with this, “you are exactly where you are meant to be because it is where you are.” and that is the absolute truth. We all have a path that is made up of choices throughout our lives, and every choice comes with a sacrifice. There is no sense in looking back and wondering what would have been. My sister told me last night as I was telling her one of my regrets, “no looking back, only forward”. 2021 is the year I look forward and move forward, and really in the end, it is the best and only direction to go. Trust the journey and see what exciting things happen.
The fear of taking risks
I have never been much of a risk-taker. I have worked hard in my life and have had many failures and disappointments, but I have mostly lived life the safe way. I know this sounds crazy since if you have followed my blog it seems that my entire life has been one big risk, but foe the most part I’ve been pretty risk adverse and I do believe it’s held me back in a way. The truth is that only by taking risks will we gain anything. Only by forcing ourselves to delve into the uncomfortable feelings of change will we discover what can truly become of our lives. In 2021, I will let go of fear, and take more risks. I will attempt something that scares me more often. I will live my life less “safe” and with more courage.
Thinking too much
Possibly one of the most common, and interfering habits of the human psyche, being in our heads and thinking too much. Making a big decision has always been a challenge for me. I tend to ruminate and agonize over a choice out of fear that if I don’t think it through I will make the wrong decision, but sometimes we just have to not think, listen to our heart, and leap. In 2021, I will listen to my heart more than ever and make decisions based on what I know is right for me deep down, not what my mind thinks is best for me. Instead of “I should be doing this” or “I shouldn’t do that” I am choosing to dig deep and ask myself, “do I want to do this?” “Is this what I really want?” I will live my life in 2021 by the famous words, “If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no.”
And there you have it, my vow to myself and all of what I’m letting go of in 2021. Maybe by doing so, I will welcome some amazing things into my life. Only time will tell, but I do know this to be true, in the words of Joseph Campbell - “We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us”. What are you letting go of in the new year? Here’s to a fantastic 2021, let’s make it count!
Photo Credit: Aditya Saxena @adityaries