“What Now NYC” came from years of wanting to write my story but never finding the right time or outlet. This is a blog to inspire other New Yorkers to look past the horizon of our beautiful city skyline towards other opportunities that might be waiting for them elsewhere. It is an attempt to face the fears and insecurities that I have, and that I believe others can relate to, when it comes to feelings of failure from not accomplishing exactly what we all came to New York to accomplish. It is a path of discovery into the world of other dreams and other hopes, and the knowledge that no matter where our lives take us, it is never too late to be an artist, to create, and to be inspired. It is a realization that it’s OK to move through the one dream we always had for ourselves, and while moving on from that dream, discover others that can make us feel just as fulfilled. It is an attempt to explore outside of New York City to other towns, cities and countries while new dreams are cultivated. This is a blog of self discovery, self acceptance, and self love. This is my New York story.
“Just because it’s over doesn’t mean it didn’t happen”