Tough Times Don't Last, Tough People Do
From the time I was a child, all I’ve wanted was to be successful in whatever capacity felt good to me. I’ve wanted to in some way leave a mark on this world whether through my love of the arts, or connecting with people through hospitality or helping people however I could. I have lived my life completely dedicated to doing the right thing and being true to my heart. I have worked hard, thought about my life strategy countless hours and have planned meticulously how I might proceed to get the life I want while doing something I enjoy. Yet, time and time again it seems God has put an obstacle of one sort or another in my way. I was handling this pandemic reasonably well until about a month ago when I finally felt the realities of the incredibly difficult job market we are now facing. The weight of all of this has been too much in so many ways for so many people whether through job loss, losing loved ones, home schooling children or losing businesses. I’m sure there are many in this world who would trade problems with me for even one minute, and I fully recognize how blessed I am, but I also know that it is sometimes ok to say, “yes, I’m blessed, I have a lot, but it still sucks so much right now.” Here’s the flip side, the wallowing doesn’t help for long. Sure, you feel a bit of relief from venting to your friends or but eventually even that gets boring, and then it’s time to pick yourself up again and turn that attitude back around. I posted something on LinkedIn the other day that suddenly took off and showed me how many people are feeling the same way I have been.
I know things are never how they seem. People are going through struggles they will sometimes never even speak about. Everyone is handling this pandemic in their own way just trying to get through as best as they can. I understand all of this. It doesn’t discount the feelings Ive been having, but it does help me to take a step back, take a breath and try my best to just focus on what I can control. Times are really tough right now, for most people, but the story isn’t over. In times like these it is important to understand how we can take advantage of an opportunity to grow so that when this passes we are even more prepared and stronger than ever.
“Tough times don’t last, tough people do”. In my life, I have been torn down, built up to be thrown off a cliff again. Many times it was from my own stupid decisions that ultimately were a learning lesson, often times it was from boundlessly following my heart, and sometimes, like now, it was from something completely out of my control. But the negativity will get me nowhere. The energy I am feeling needs to drive me to make a change, take a chance and rise up from the ashes of this shitty situation stronger than I have ever been before. Think of all the times you have felt beaten down. Yes, this pandemic has broken us and has pushed us to the brink of wanting to fall completely apart. The key is to recognize you are one of the tough ones. You are one of the people who always survive because you’ve always had no choice but to survive. I know we will thrive again, one day. This will pass and will be just another part of our history that made us even stronger than we were before.